Very early stage of woodwork; exterior teak close to done in this sequence. The cap rail started as 8/4" teak about 12' long, which I was fortunate to find at St. Angelo Hardwoods in Bristol. The curves were cut on the table saw, and the under side was routed out so that it sat down over the stainless cap rail. Then the whole thing was set in thickened west, and lagged up from underneath through the stainless into the wood with 3/8" stainless lag screws. I had punched 3/8" clearance holes in the stainless cap on center every 6" before welding it on. Then faired it in place with long board, plane, and large radius (1 1/2") router bit on a variable speed 3 hp Bosch. It's actually oval shaped, with a lot of hand fairing. Next